Perfection is boring

Jenni Hietanen Photography

Welcome to my visual world!

This site is my humble photography portfolio online. As its title, Perfection is boring, suggests, my approach to photography is finding and showing the beauty of the imperfect in my photos. The subjects can be anything from withering flowers and rusting metal to imperfect tomatoes or strawberries and old or broken household items.

Embed it into your world

All photos on this site are mine, and most of them are available for licensing. For fees and conditions, please email me at Please note that any use without prior agreement is prohibited.

Interested in hanging one of my photos on your wall? Get in touch, let me know which photo and print size you would like to purchase and we’ll arrange it for you!

Get in touch

Questions or comments? Send me a message to or on my Facebook page Jenni Hietanen Photography. You can also follow my page there or on Instagram for more photos and gallery updates!

Welcome to my visual world! I hope you enjoy the view.